The Targeted Lung Health Check Programme is being rolled out in Portsmouth over the next two years. More than 23,000 past and current smokers across the city will be sent a free lung health check invite in a yellow envelope.

Those eligible will be: 

  • Aged 55 to 74
  • Registered with a GP surgery in Portsmouth

Patients from each GP surgery will be invited in turn. This means you may not get your invite straight away. 

If you do have a worrying symptom now or have been coughing for three weeks or more, please do contact your GP and get checked out.

The CT scan truck is located at our Rodney Road Centre in Portsmouth. There is free parking at the centre. 

Address: Illustrious Drive, Portsmouth, PO3 6GT

(Please turn into Union Road and take the first left onto Illustrious Drive. You will pass a row of houses on your right.)​​​​​​​

For a precise location, please head to What 3 Words: 
What3words is a quick and simple way to find exact locations. The system converts GPS coordinates into 3 word addresses. The 3 word address for the Targeted Lung Health Check CT scan truck is water.path.hook

Whether you are getting to appointment by walking, in a car, on a bicycle or by bus or train, visit and enter your starting destination and the Rodney Road Centre address for information on how best you can get to your appointment.

If you are normally eligible for non-emergency patient transport, please head to our FAQs page to find out more.