The NHS Knowledge and Library Hub connects NHS staff and students to high quality knowledge and evidence resources in one place.
Use the Hub search box below to find or request the full text of articles and books.
Access is free to all NHS staff and learners using an NHS OpenAthens account.
Want to stay up to date with the latest research? Sign up to KnowledgeShare and get regular emails on topics of your choice.
All* PHU staff and students on placement can join the library and gain access to our physical and online resources.
*please note Bank employees can join and have access to physical resources only.
At PHU Library, you can:
- Borrow up to 8 items including books, games and laptops
- Loan items up to 28 days (exclusions apply)
- Renew items 3 times
- Renew items in person, online or by phone
- Make requests for articles & books
- Ask the Clinical Librarians for assistance with literature searches
- Sign up to KnowledgeShare for current awareness alerts on topics of your choice
- Register for an OpenAthens account to gain access to online resources
For further assistance please drop into the library in the QuAD or contact us by email
We are located in The QuAD Centre, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth, PO6 3LY
For all General Enquiries, please contact: or call 023 9228 6039
Library & eLearning Manager - Fari Mashumba ext.6880
Clinical Librarians - Rebecca and Aaron / ext.6042
eLearning Technologist - Apurva Pathak ext.3857
eLearning Support - Georgia and Whitney / ext.1241
Senior Library Assistants - Christine and Hannah / hannah.
Library Assistant - Jason
Library Catalogue
SWIMS (Library) catalogue - search here to find books and journals available from Portsmouth or other libraries across the South West. Want something held in another library? Ask us to request it for you. Please see below.
Want to check access to a journal?
Go to Browse Journals and use the search box to find the journal you want. To access the collection from work or home, login to your Open Athens account.
Requesting an article?
There are two ways to request an article. The quickest option is to request it directly on the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub, where the information will be filled in for you. If you can't find the article on the hub, then please request it via this form. Please remember you must be a member of the library to request an article for copyright purposes. Join the library.
Requesting a book?
You can either request the book on the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub or via this form.
Suggesting a book?
If you notice we are missing any up-to-date books in your speciality in our catalogue, please complete this form to let us know.
Uplifting Resources for staff
Access the Knowledge and Library Services website to find a selection of uplifting and mood boosting digital resources including apps, podcasts and other online resources chosen by NHS staff, for NHS staff.
NHS OpenAthens is required to access many of our online resources, click here to register.
Anatomy.TV is an interactive, educational resource on human anatomy. It provides interactive 3D models with text, slides and video clips.
BMJ Best Practice takes you quickly to the latest evidence-based information, whenever and wherever you need it. Download the app on your phone for on-the-go evidence at your fingertips.
BNF & BNFC are freely available to access via NICE
The Cochrane Library is the premier resource for information on the effectiveness of healthcare interventions, freely available to everyone in the UK.
Kortext (digital eBook provider) holds a collection of eBooks available to all NHS staff via your Portsmouth OpenAthens account. If you have any problems please contact us
EBSCO Databases Includes MEDLINE, CINAHL, Pyschology & Behavioral Sciences Collection.
iRefer This essential reference tool provides up-to-date guidance on selecting the most appropriate imaging investigation for a range of clinical problems. To access this resource please email the Clinical Librarians
OTseeker is a searchable database that contains abstracts of systematic reviews and randomised controlled trials relevant to occupational therapy.
OVID Databases Includes Embase, Emcare, AMED, HMIC, MEDLINE, Social Policy and Practice.
Oxford Medicine Online is a digital platform hosting over 240 titles from the Oxford University Press' prestigious medical collection.
PEDro is a Physiotherapy database which will search systematic reviews, randomised controlled trials and practice guidelines.
ProQuest Includes PsycINFO, BNI, PsycArticles, Health Research Premium Collection.
Public Health A single point of access to data and analysis tools from across Public Health England.
PubMed provides literature from MEDLINE, life science journals and online books.
Renal Drug Database is a key source of prescribing information for clinical and medicines information pharmacists, providing access to over 800 drug monographs. To access this resource please email the Clinical Librarians
Royal Marsden Manual online provides the most up to date version of the manual.
Sanford Guide provides clinicians with the tools they need to ensure the appropriate use of antimicrobials at the point of care. To access this resource, please email the Clinical Librarians
UpToDate earn CPD/CME while you learn about the most recent advances in medical care, at the point of care. Available as an app to keep with you wherever you go.
IWT & PHU Publications Database
These documents list some of the published and unpublished papers written by or in association with PHU and/or IWT members of staff. This database is a living document and is updated on a monthly basis to include new and recent publications.
Database: January 2025 - December 2025
Database: January 2024 - December 2024
Database: August 2018-August 2024
Research Support Services
There are a variety of different support services available to all members of staff undertaking clinical and academic research. Find links below to the different services offered by both the Library and the Research and Development department.
Reference management software RefWorks is available to staff. To request your own account contact
Do you have an idea for a research project? Visit the Research Department for information on how to carry out clinical research at Portsmouth and support for getting your project up and running.
Literature search services and information skills training are provided by the Clinical Librarians to save you time, and can be useful as the initial step for your own research. Contact for more information or to request a search.
The Library supports all students on placement or working at PHU.
- Need assistance on how to find the best evidence to support your study? Please contact Clinical.
Find links to some of our linked institutions and their library support here:
Bournemouth University
Overall Guidance for Health Resources
Study Skills Calendar and Recordings
Guidance for students based in Portsmouth and Yeovil
University of Portsmouth
University of Southampton
Worried about finding reliable and trustworthy health information online? Download our guide Finding Good Quality Health Information on the Internet
Useful websites for patients
- The NHS website: includes an A-Z of health conditions, symptoms and treatments. An A-Z of medicines, advice on diet and health, as well as a health service finder.
- Patient.Info: a health information directory, with healthy living articles, a symptom checker and information leaflets.
- Healthtalk: provides free, reliable information about health issues, by sharing people's real-life experiences. You can watch people sharing their stories about cancer, autism, motor-neurone disease, pregnancy, drugs, depression and much more.
For further assistance, please contact
The Library strategy provides the library service with a direction to work towards.
This 'plan of action' provides details of how the staff are to work according to the overall business plan/strategy of Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust and other trusts depending on relevant SLAs.
View the: Library Strategy
View the: Library and eLearning Services support to Trust Vision and Strategy Objectives
View the: Library and eLearning Services Annual Report 2023-2024
This page summarises what is permitted under the current NHS CLA Licence
NHS staff may copy (photocopy) and scan (digital) from printed journals and books under the terms of the licence.
Please note there are excluded categories and excluded works
For further advice on issues relating to copyright, please contact the library staff.
Printed Books and Journals
Copies must be for NHS staff and for NHS purposes only.
Limits on copying:
You may copy up to two articles from a journal issue (more if it is a thematic issue).~ This should be no more than 5% of the journal issue.
One chapter from a book
~ This should be no more than 5% of the total number of pages in the book.
Within these extent limits, multiple copies can be made (e.g. for teaching purposes, meetings, journal clubs, etc).
Single paper copies relating to a patient’s condition or treatment may be made for patients and carers.
Scanned copies may be sent via NHS e-mail but not placed on websites. Scanned copies can be used in PowerPoint presentations.
You should always acknowledge the source of your copies.
No copies may be made from newspapers
Electronic works
You should:
Only download and print material for the purposes of private study and non commercial research.
Always check copyright notices on websites.
Ask permission if you want to make more than one copy.
Not copy images or any other electronic media without permission.
e-journals are covered by publisher licences, and generally you may only print out an article once.
Copyright poster
A copyright poster must be displayed next to any photocopier and scanner within the NHS.
Your feedback is important to us in creating a library that meets your needs. It helps us improve the services we offer and the resources we provide. If you'd like to share your thoughts, you can:
- Fill out a quick survey online: Give us your feedback
- Drop a line to the Library & eLearning Services Manager: Fari.
Mashumba - Fill out a feedback form at the information desk
- Speak to a librarian at the information desk.
If a clinical librarian (Rebecca or Aaron) helped you with a literature search or training session, we'll be sending you a short feedback form soon to hear your thoughts on your experience. Below is some of the recent feedback we have received:
Department updates
Library docs
Title |
Emergency |
Education |
Dermatology |
We are located in The QuAD Centre, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth, PO6 3LY
- Library services: Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 5pm (Please note: all library items for collection, renewal or return must be processed by Library Staff before 4.45pm)
- eLearning Technologist: Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 4.30pm
- eLearning Support: Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 4.30pm
- Clinical Librarians: Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 4.30pm
- Library & eLearning Manager: Monday to Friday, 10am – 6pm
24/7 access is available to The QuAD for study and computer use with a PHU Security ID badge