The Fracture Clinic and Orthopaedics Department deals with all types of orthopaedic conditions as well as fractures and a wide range of traumatic injuries.

You can find out contact details for individual teams below.

To contact the department, please call 02392 286065.

To contact the Orthopaedic Admissions office please call 02392 286018.

To view an up to date list of consultants and secretaries please see below:

Secretary name, extension number, email address      Consultants

Jude Parker & Jan Bull

Ext 6864

Mr M I McLaren (Chief of Service)        MIM

Mr R H Richards                                    RHR

Mr JG Hussell                                        JGH

M A Masilamani                                    MAS

Miss S A Phillips                                    SAP

Mr L Martul                                           LMP

Miss M Bailey                                        MB4

Claire Smith

Ext 6570

Mr S L Hodkinson                                  SLH     

Miss S A Stapley                                     SAS

Mr P S Sauvé  (Clinical Director)             PSS

Mr D J Farr     (Trauma Director)             DJF

Mr T P C Kane                                         TPCK

Dr N G Burby (Associate Specialist)        NGB

Gill Dennis

Ext 3425

Mr I Lasrado                                            IL

Mr A Langdown                                      AJL

Mr P Moras                                             PPM

Mr D Roberts                                          DCR

Dr J Vijayaraghavan                                JISH

Mr M Roussot

Vicky Archer

Ext 6181

Lt Col C R Fetherston                             CRF

Mr A J Gandhe                                       AJG

Mr A J Felstead                                      AF1

Miss C P Lewis                                       CPL                                

Mr D J Watkinson                                  DJW

Mr V Goriainov                                      VG

Sophie Langam

Ext 6961

Mr G D Harper                                       GDH

Mr C J Hand                                           CJH

Surg Cdr T P Coltman                             TPC

Mr D J N Dalton                                     DJND

Lt Col S R Gowda                                   SRG

Courtney Chalk

Ext 5493

Miss S Hook                                           SEH

Dr G D Shaw (Associate Specialist)        GDS

Mr J Rushbrook                                      JLR

Miss S Gill                                              SKG

Mr M Afridi                                            MURA