The Diabetes and Endocrinology team's Type 1 Diabetes service offer a range of support and education including:
- Education and support for those newly diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes You can expect regular appointments with a diabetes nurse specialist to support you in adjusting to your new diagnosis and learning to manage your diabetes in order to support your long-term health. You will be able to meet with a specialist diabetes dietitian within 2 weeks of diagnosis and have a medical review with a diabetes consultant within 3 months.
- Young persons’ transition from paediatric to adult diabetes services
This service aims to support young adults (and their families / carers) in their transition from paediatric services to adult diabetes services. - Young person’s Service (up to age 25)
This service offers appointments at least every 4 months or more frequently if needed. It aims to support the person with diabetes in balancing their diabetes with lifestyle while they grow and develop. - On going support and education for adults living with and managing Type 1 diabetes (including insulin pump technologies).
Diabetes can be a difficult and frustrating illness to live with at times. A number of factors or changes in lifestyle can influence your glucose levels and thus require adjustments from time to time.
Your annual diabetes screening will be provided/ arranged by your GP surgery. This screening should include; a blood test (HbA1c, cholesterol levels, kidney function and thyroid function), a urine test for Albumin:Creatine ratio (urinary ACR), foot examination, blood pressure check and eye screening. Please contact your GP surgery if you are not receiving any of these.
When you are ill your glucose levels can be affected, it is not unusual to find glucose levels are higher, particularly if you have an infection.
If you are unwell we recommend that you keep a close eye on glucose levels; increase your insulin doses if levels are running higher and also drink plenty of fluids. The above steps can help prevent the build up of ketones in your body and also help you recover faster.
Below are some links to help you with in managing your glucose levels when ill.
If you are taking insulin injections - Sick day rules for Type1 Diabetes - TREND
If you are using an insulin pump in hybrid closed loop - Sick Day Rules - see page 3
Our service is moving towards a patient led service when there will no longer be routine appointments but you can contact the service for support when needed.
For example you could contact us for support in the following situations:
- If you are unwell and not managing to control your ketone / glucose levels
- If you are having too many hypos and are not sure what adjustments to make to address this.
- Your glucose levels are running higher than you would like and you are not sure what to do to bring them down.
- You need support balancing aspects of your lifestyle such as exercise or travel with your diabetes.
To request support (telephone or face to face) support:
Telephone the diabetes centre on 023 92286260
Routine appointments will still be booked for the following groups of people:
- Those in their first year following diagnosis with Type 1 diabetes
- Those who are vulnerable or frail or with regular hospital admissions
- Young persons (up to age 25)
- Education programmes to support you in living with Type 1 diabetes
- Those who have diabetes and are pregnant / planning pregnancy
- Those in other specialist diabetes services such as foot or kidney
Coming soon
Carbohydrate Counting Group
This is a one three hour face to face or virtual session.
For people with diabetes who wish to:
- Understand more about which foods affect their blood sugar levels.
- Learn more about balancing their carbohydrate intake and lifestyle with their short acting (bolus) insulin (carbohydrate counting).
- Move from mixed insulin to basal bolus insulin.
- Recap on any education they have had in the past.
To book on to this course ask your health care professional to refer you.
JIGSAW (Juggling Insulin for Goal Success & Well-being) course
This is our local education course to support self-management of type 1 diabetes for people on basal bolus insulin. It seeks to assist people to improve their day-to-day lives and glucose levels by developing skills in adjusting their short acting insulin according to their food intake and lifestyle.
JIGSAW is a course that aims to:
- Assist you to reflect on your personal goals for your own diabetes self-management and help you explore different approaches to help you achieve your goals.
- Help you review your glucose patterns and make adjustments if indicated.
- Help you understand more about your insulin regimen and what you can do to it to achieve your goals.
- Help you increase your confidence in managing your diabetes day to day.
This programme is facilitated by specialist diabetes nurses and dietitians and runs over five weekly 3-hour sessions, we run one virtual, evening course each year.
To book on to the course: ask your healthcare professional at your GP practice or your Doctor, Nurse or Dietitian at the diabetes centre to refer you.
On-line education on carbohydrate counting and insulin dose adjustment courses
These can be very helpful if you find it hard to attend education sessions for whatever reason.
Insulin Pump Information Session
One hour virtual group session run once a month.
If you have Type 1 diabetes and are interested in knowing more about insulin pumps you can sign up to the session. The session aims to give an overview of how insulin pumps work, discussion of eligibility for a pump and hybrid closed loop systems and what the next steps towards this are.
To book on to a session: call the diabetes centre on 023 92286260
This service provides support in the set up and safe use of insulin pumps and hybrid closed-loop insulin systems in accordance with NICE guidance.
Over the last few years technological developments have been made, these allow the information from the glucose sensor to act as an automatic control for insulin delivery by the pump which reduces the amount of work required by the person with diabetes in the calculation and administration of their insulin. Following an NHS England commissioned pilot study (2021) this technology is now much more widely within the NHS.
The technology is now available to those with Type 1 diabetes and at least one of the following:
- HbA1c above 58 mmol/l (7.5%) despite optimised standard of care therapy.
- Female planning pregnancy
- Problematic hypoglycaemia
Insulin Pump Information Session
If you have Type 1 diabetes and are interested in knowing more about insulin pumps you can sign up to the session. The session aims to give an overview of how insulin pumps work, discussion of eligibility for a pump and hybrid closed loop systems and what the next steps towards this are.
One hour virtual group session run once a month.
To book on to a session: call the diabetes centre on 023 92286260
Further Information on Insulin Pumps:
- Expert Views on Devices | The Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (
- Virtual Showroom Company Information on Devices | The Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (
Pumps Supplies
We co-ordinate the supply of pump cannulas, lines and cartridges via our pharmacy home care team. Your GP will remain responsible for supplying your insulin.
If you are using an insulin pump and are new to the area you will need to arrange an appointment with our team to set up local provision of your pump supplies. Once you are registered on the pump supply system you can order your pump supplies from the Pharmacy HomeCare team who can be contacted on:
E-mail: pho-tr.
Telephone: 023 9228 6000 Extn. 5282 (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday)
We do not keep pump supplies in the diabetes centre so it is important to ensure that you leave plenty of time (ideally one month) to get supplies and if you are being admitted to hospital it is important to bring supplies with you.
It is also important to maintain a supply of in date injectable basal (background) and fast acting insulin in case of pump failure.
General Information
- Diabetes UK - Your guide to Type 1 Diabetes
- MyType1 Diabetes - many useful resources and links to support living with diabetes
- People with diabetes – Trend Diabetes
- Type 1 diabetes - NHS (
- Educational Resources for people living with diabetes (ABCD care)
- BERTIE Diabetes - on line education programme
Support for Young Persons
Emotional support
Living with a long-term condition like diabetes can sometimes feel overwhelming. This can happen whether you have recently been diagnosed or have had diabetes for a number of years. Your health care team will be familiar with the challenges you are facing so we encourage you to share how you are feeling, they will listen to you and help you identify what could help you. As a starting point these leaflets / websites may be helpful:
You can also refer yourself to Local NHS Talking Therapies:
- NHS Talking Therapies Portsmouth City
- NHS Talking Therapies Fareham, Gosport & SE Hampshire
Peer Support
- Sugarbuddies – learn, share, live… with diabetes
- Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation (
- Breakthrough T1D UK | Type 1 Diabetes Research
- Solent Diabetes – Providing relief and welfare for those with diabetes
Specific Information
- Carbs & Cals carbohydrate counting tools
- Diabetes and neuropathy
- Planning pregnancy when you have diabetes
- Diabetes: Safe Driving and the DVLA – Trend Diabetes
- Diabetic eye screening - NHS (
- Type 1 Diabetes and Disordered Eating (
- Fight for Sight | Funding research breakthroughs and social change to Save Sight. Change Lives
Diabetes Charities - research, fundraising, information, education, support, events