All mammograms are examined by at least two different film readers and a final result established. Results are sent out within two weeks of the original mammogram. Your GP is also informed of the result. If you would like to receive your results by email, please email your request to the Screening Office on

There are three possible results at this stage:

  • Normal- no abnormalities were seen, and you will be routinely recalled in three years, provided you will be under 71.
  • Second Stage Screening- The film readers have seen an area of concern or change in your mammograms, and they would like to perform some more tests. You will be invited to go to Breast Services Department, D level, Queen Alexandra Hospital for these tests within three weeks of your original mammogram. This does not necessarily mean you have cancer.
  • Technical Recall- for technical reasons some images need to be repeated before a final result can be established. You will be asked to return to a suitable mammography unit for the images to be repeated. They will then be re-examined in the normal manner.

If you have not received your result and you feel you should have then please contact the Screening Office on 023 9228 3613/3614

Alternatively, you can email us on