fe54110d-054d-4353-9398-bc9817a27be8.jpgThe Learning Disability  Hospital Liaison team consists of two  Registered Nurses for people with a Learning Disability (RNLD) from the Integrated Learning Disability Service, Solent NHS Trust . Work is undertaken in partnership with Portsmouth         Hospitals University Trust and collaboratively with Southern Health Foundation Trust. We support any patient with an LD who attends QA Hospital.

We work alongside patients, carers and staff throughout the hospital journey to ensure the patient receives a high standard of care that promotes dignity and inclusion. This includes visiting patients on the ward to establish what support or guidance we can provide to the patient, family, carers and hospital staff as well as enabling reasonable adjustments to be made that allow the patient to receive care in a timely manner.

We can:

  • Support treatment planning during pre admission assessments.
  • Ensure all patients have an admission to hospital document.
  • Contribute to assessment of capacity and any best interest discussion that follows.
  • To enable ward staff to deliver assessment and treatment.
  • De-sensitisation work.
  • Help with development of communication tools.
  • Listen to and involve families and carers.
  • Identify any reasonable adjustments that need to be made to provide equal access to services. 

Gloucester House, Queen Alexandra Hospital. Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 4.30pm

You can email us at: qahldliaisonteam@solent.nhs.uk

You can phone us by calling the hospital on 023 9228 6000 and asking for Ext: 5825

If you are a member of staff you can contact us via Bleep: 4571/4572