We run a range of recognition schemes where you can nominate the staff caring for you.
More details are below or you can send a compliment to our teams via our PALs team.
You can also share your thanks and positive experiences on our Padlet board.
If you have a story you would like to share with us and the local community about the lovely care you have received then please contact our communications team.
Our employee and team of the month scheme recognises our incredible colleagues across PHU that make a difference, and we want to hear from you about all the amazing work that goes on at our Trust every day! Help us recognise the amazing work our staff do each and every day and nominate a colleague or member of staff today.
You can nominate any individual member of staff or a department/ team, as well as honorary contract holders, MOD colleagues (representing the armed forces), and Equans staff (estates, catering, housekeeping and portering), working on PHU sites. Equal consideration will be given to staff working behind the scenes, either in support functions or non-clinical roles and to those who work in the front line.
It’s easy to nominate an individual or a team using our online nomination form which can be found below. Anyone can nominate an individual or team from PHU including members of the public and staff.
It’s easy to nominate an individual or a team using our online nomination form which can be found below. Anyone can nominate an individual or team from PHU including members of the public and staff.
The monthly winner/s are presented with a certificate by the chief executive or another member of the executive team and their photograph will be displayed on the website.
Please nominate via this online form.
Ideas and help with your nomination
Nominations should recognise and reward an individual employee or a team who has made a substantial contribution to the quality of care provided to a patient or colleague or delivered exceptional levels of support. Where possible, please identify how you think they demonstrated one or more the Trust’s core values, which are:
Working together:
- For patients
- With compassion
- As one team
- Always improving
When submitting your nomination, please provide as much detail as possible on how you felt the individual or team went above and beyond for you, a friend or a member of your family.
- What stood out for you?
- How did it make your experience of care, visit or day at work more positive?
- Has a project or scheme of work added value for our patients, visitors or colleagues, if so how?
- How did the team or individual contribute to the overall success of the project, piece of work or care provided?
Melloney Poole OBE, Chairman of Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust, is keen to recognise teams who are going above and beyond the requirements of their "day jobs" and are in an often unseen but crucial area of the hospital.
These are the people who are committed and passionate, who go about their job in a professional manner, giving their support generously to those around them and who may often be the last people to broadcast their successes.
Melloney will visit such areas on a regular basis to learn about these teams, their challenges and successes, the individual team members and how the service they provide is vital to the safe and efficient running of our hospital.
November 2024 - OpenEyes Implementation Team
The Ophthalmology service undertakes significant loads of clinical activity, large numbers of out-patient visits and surgical procedures along with an Emergency Eye Department. Service delivery has been wholly paper based with associated challenges that imposes for patient care and particularly patient follow up.
Adoption of OpenEyes by clinical and operational staff across all areas of Ophthalmic patient care has resulted in an end to end ‘paper to digital’ transformation with all clinical data captured on OpenEyes including imaging devices. This will bring an improvement to the quality of clinical care and service efficiencies.
April 2024 - Renal Day Unit (RDU) and Outpatient Department (ROPD).Wessex Kidney Centre (WKC)
Melloney Poole OBE, Chair of Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust was delighted to meet the Renal Day Unit and Outpatient Department Teams to present them with a very well-deserved Hidden Heroes award.
The Renal Day unit team are responsible for the hands-on and direct patient contact in the performance of life-saving Renal Replacement Therapies, antibodies, and antibiotic infusions, and are the default facility in the management of blocked vascular access/es and fistulas for Haemodialysis dependent renal patients. The Renal Outpatient Department are an outpatient consultation facility for the Wessex Kidney Centre (WKC) where Nurse Specialists, Nephrology and Surgical Consultants provide tertiary consultations to renally impaired individuals. Together, this specialist team of 23 nursing and administrative colleagues go about their work with compassion, care and a smile.
Melloney was pleased to present the team with a Hidden Heroes certificate, trophy, Hidden Heroes badges, fruit baskets and sweet treats. Congratulations!
March 2024 - Continuous Improvement team and Urgent Care Improvement team
Melloney Poole OBE Chair of PHU was delighted to present a Hidden Heroes award to the Continuous Improvement and Urgent Care Improvement teams on the 19th March. These teams collectively support a huge agenda for the organisation both in terms of urgent care initiatives and the embedding and maturity of delivering excellence. They coach, facilitate, support all levels of teams in the organisation and don’t shine a light on their involvement in the success as they know they are part of the wider team approach. They are all hard working and humble in their style despite working in a challenging and sometimes tough environment as not only are they supporting and leading work they are trying to support improvement culture and influence and educate all they encounter. As we start to roll out front line team development of DEED (Delivering Excellence Every Day) and focus even further on urgent care as a strategic initiative, it is the right time to recognise their work. They have been recognised for the huge amount of work done, often behind the scenes, for their patience and perseverance as well as their dedication and positivity.
Our Proud To Be PHU Awards are a chance to celebrate individuals and teams at Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust who go above and beyond every day for their patients and their colleagues.
Nominations for this year's Patient Choice Award are now closed.