Publish date: 13 March 2025

shared image.jpgTeams from the Wessex Kidney Centre will be using the latest technology to help identify and manage chronic kidney disease on this years World Kidney Day.

Supported by Kidney Care UK and Nova Biomedical, staff will be offering screening to visitors in the main atriums at QA hospital in Portsmouth and Southampton General Hospital with a quick and simple test which can detect the signs of chronic kidney disease in 30 seconds.

Amir Bhanji, Consultant Nephrologist from Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust said “We are passionate about using the latest technology to help support our patients and communities in the diagnosis and management of chronic kidney disease.

“The test being offered today takes a process that would ordinarily involve a GP appointment and a blood test, in to a 30 second test that can be delivered in the community, and importantly to the most vulnerable at-risk communities.”

Run by Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust, the Wessex Kidney Centre is also working with MyRenalCare, an App that allows patients with chronic kidney disease to independently manage their condition remotely with the support and over of their healthcare team.

Amanda Laird, Consultant Nephrologist said “We have been working in partnership with MyRenalCare for some years to support our patients to independently manage their condition. Traditionally patients with chronic kidney disease see their consultant for 15-minute face-to-face appointments, 3-4 times a year. Many of these patients are well. The MyRenalCare App allows patients to receive this follow up care remotely, in their own home without having to travel to hospital or having any disruption to their day.” 

Patients record key clinical parameters (such as weight and blood pressure) and their symptoms on the App.  Blood test results are also automatically uploaded into the App.  The clinical team can then review all the patient data alongside the blood results and give feedback to the patient, all on MyRenalCare without need for a face-to-face visit or telephone call. 

Darren Jenkinson, a transplant patient that has lived with kidney disease for 17 years said “Kidney disease can have a huge impact on your life, so using technology like MyRenalCare can really help you remain independent and in control of the condition and let you live your life normally. The point of care testing is a game changer for making sure people can identify the disease as early as possible and get the advice and care needed.

“The combination of the testing and the digital management of chronic kidney disease is helping to transform the lives of people in our communities.”

Kidney disease affects around one in ten people in the UK with many people not having a single symptom. It can affect people of all ages including babies and children. Kidney Care UK is running an awareness campaign ‘Bloody Amazing Kidneys’ to help people understand the risks of the disease and how to get tested:

Laurie Cuthbert, Director of Fundraising, Marketing & Communications, said: “You can lose as much as 90% of your kidney function without realising, but if you do have kidney disease and it’s identified early enough, there are medications and simple steps you can take to look after your kidneys.

“Events like this really empower people to explore and take control of their kidney health, and we’re really pleased to be here alongside the team from Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust this World Kidney Day to highlight how Bloody Amazing our kidneys are.

“In person-screening allows people to immediately get an idea of how their kidneys are functioning, and by having the support of the kidney team from the Trust here too alongside our Patient Support and Advocacy Officer(s) we are able to work together to provide the information, advice and support needed to help manage your kidney health.”