Publish date: 27 June 2024

Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust has published its Quality Account for 2023/24. 

The aim of this report is to provide an open account of how we provide quality care for our patients, families, and carers.

Each year, three key quality account priorities are chosen around the domains of quality: patient safety, patient experience and clinical effectiveness. The chosen priorities are expected to have the greatest impact on reducing harm and improving patient experience and outcomes. 

We have developed our priorities for quality improvement by triangulating evidence available through a variety of internal and external sources. These include complaints, incident reporting, national quality initiatives, national and local patient surveys, clinical audit and NICE guidance.

The quality priorities contained within this Account were developed and approved by the subject matter experts and presented to and approved at the Trust Leadership Team. 

A full range of quality measures and how the Trust is working towards achieving are reported to the Trust Board and the Quality and Performance Committee on a monthly basis through the Integrated Performance Report (IPR) and quarterly through the Patient Safety, Patient Experience and Clinical Effectiveness reports.

This Quality Account and associated priorities are presented around the three domains of quality: patient safety, patient experience and clinical effectiveness.