Publish date: 13 May 2024

A Portsmouth hospital support worker has won a prestigious national award, recognising the support and care she has provided to patients and their families.

Tina Jackson, a Family Liaison Officer at Queen Alexandra Hospital, scooped the bronze prize at the Our Health Heroes Awards, delivered by Skills for Health.

Michelle Lobo, Family Liaison Manager at Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust, who nominated Tina for the award, said, “Tina is a tower of strength to patients and has been a fantastic role model to other team members and staff.

“Tina goes above and beyond what is expected of her daily, whether it’s connecting a husband and wife together virtually or providing toiletries for a long stay in hospital.”

A photo showing Tina Jackson accepting her award

Speaking at a glittering awards ceremony held in London where she was presented with her award Tina said, “We are quite a small team, and for me to be nominated I just think is really amazing. I work with such an amazing group of people and the support that you get from everybody is there every single day.

“Our work makes a massive difference to our patients, knowing that there's somebody there for them when they need that little bit of extra support.”

Liz Rix, Chief Nurse at Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust, said, “Tina is a fantastic example of the impact our non-clinical colleagues can have on the experience of our patients and their loved ones. I am incredibly proud that her passion and dedication has been recognised in this way. Congratulations to Tina and thank you to her and the wider Family Liaison team for all they do to support our patients.”

The Our Health Heroes Awards is sponsored by NHS England, NHS Employers and NHS Shared Business Services. To find out more visit: