Publish date: 31 May 2023

Over the next two years we are planning a number of significant improvements to the QA Hospital site to ensure we can continue to deliver high quality services in efficient, well-maintained and well-designed buildings.

The next project due to start is the development of our main entrance extension which will starts in May 2023. This is an exciting development for the Trust and will mean a new lecture theatre and retail space which will enable us to provide services in a modern, welcoming and safe environments for our patients and visitors.

Work will commence mid May and will last approximately 12 months. During the time of construction, there will be a couple of changes that you will notice when visiting the hospital:

  • The usual revolving door in the entrance will be closed and a temporary side entrance has opened in its place.
  • Hoarding will be erected around the area of construction
  • Drop off spaces at the front of the main entrance will be limited during the works, so visitors are reminded that they are able to park in the multi-storey car parks free of charge for 20 minutes so they can be used for dropping off and picking up which will help alleviate traffic around the hospital during the works.

The development of the main entrance will include:

  • A new Changing Places facility, one of three coming in future development around the site providing an accessible toilet and changing space.
  • Lecture theatre
  • New Marks and Spencer Food and The Stock Shop open to all

We are excited to share the mock up designs for what the new main entrance will look like below.

Once the works have finished on the main entrance, we will also be developing the North Entrance with that work beginning soon after the Main Entrance is complete. We will share more information when preparing for that construction.

We appreciate that development works can be disruptive to our patients and community and appreciate your support in the coming months.